Tuesday, 19 April 2011


I woke this morning feeling bright cheerful and full of positive energy. I think I am going to have to stop reading my emails. I know people say lifes not fair, but really how can it  be this unfair.
My sister is going  to a funeral today. She  is soldiering on for her own son that has  leukemia.  Not a common strain yet the same week he was diagnosed so to was a little boy we will just name Angel in waiting. both went through the trials of drs having to readjust strengths of treatment. While my nephew fought on last year  with  the swine flu which almost killed him in its self Angel in waiting managed to get through a little easier. 

Both mums formed a bond in those first few weeks that could not be broken. they became each others sounding boards and cheer squads. No matter what time of the day or night they could call each other and cry when it got too much. 

No one truely understood what they were going through like each other did!

Last week during  one of their many trips to their second home my sister and nephew met up with their fellow soldiers once again chatted quietly as Angel in waiting had had a rought time the last couple of months and  had  been a guest  at PMH for some time now. saying their goodbyes and  a promise to see each other again at the next visit My sister and nephew left. An hour later they got the text to say, he had passed suddenly♥

So today my sister and nephew are going to a funeral again. Too many already little tiny boxes they  go to witness and say their final goodbyes. My sister has been asked to sit with Angel in waitings  mum at the funeral, she knows she has to give this one last bit of support to a woman who now has a giant hole in her soul.

Only 6 years ago she got her first taste of cancer as an adult. Her mother in law was diagnozed with breast cancer. After a year long battle her mother in law was declared in remission. Not even a year ago she was told she hit her 5 year mark of being cancer free. The family celebrated such a victory. A new baby into the family added to the celebration of life. Things seemed to be finally looking up for all. 

Last night, they were packing to go camping  for a few days over easter and get away from the stress that today will be,  her husband got the call from his distraught mum saying that she had been diagnozed with the rare form of cancer in the back that killed her father. So far they dont know how far it has spread they have to wait till next week to get some answers. So on top of today, dealing with the very real threat that she may lose her own angel, my sister is now left  worrying over the weekend about her mother in law and being a shoulder forher husband.
Life isnt just unfair, its down right cruel sometimes!


  1. Such a tragic story. My thoughts go out to your sister and her family, and her friend's little Angel.

    Just letting you know that I'm awarding you with the Versatile Blogger Award.

    You can read more about it here: http://tinyurl.com/43o95do

    I'm also passing the rules for accepting this award:

    * Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their site in your original post.
    * Tell us seven things about yourself.
    * Pass along the award to fifteen newly discovered bloggers.
    * Contact these bloggers and let them know they got this award.

  2. I am so sorry to hear of the little boy's death and feel for his family and friends. All the best wishes for your sister's son and mil.

  3. Thank you both ladies.

    Thank you Mummydaze, I will have to figure out how to do all of that over the next few days, but I will give it my best shot

  4. Congratulations ;) You have received a 'Versatile Blogger Award'. If you choose to accept it, head on over to my blog ~ http://potsygirl29.blogspot.com/ Potsy Mummy xx
