Sunday, 6 March 2011

Labour Day weekend almost at an end. its been  a mixture of  odd jobs around the house, catching up on much needed sleep and traveling around the country side.  All in all a nice relaxing weekend.

Saturday arvo, after Hubster  spend the morning in bed sleeping off his concussion from the accident the day before at work we all  climbed on into the Hilux for the hour or so drive down to a small country town called Coolup. They were having a concert benefit to raise money for the people that lost their homes in the Fire in  Lake Clifton a little over a month ago. 

When we got there I must admit I thought  OK, this is going to be a quick afternoon. only a bouncy castle and bouncy water slide for the kids and not much else. But as they finished setting up and more people turned up not to mention the band that had been running late, the place started to have a real family  get together feel about it. The boys had a blast. checking out all the V8 classic cars on display cuddling the animals in the petting zoo and they spent quite a while scrambling up the  bouncy slide then screaming down in the bubbly slide. The smell though,,, Oh my lord! One little girl said the water smelled like smelly boots. My thoughts were it smelt like really really bad BO, but maybe mix the both together and  you can imagine the stench lol. The oldest was intrigued watching the  band setting up, the whole time wishing he could play one of his guitars up there. 

The good old CWA ladies had their tables full of delicious cakes, cookies and relishes to choose from in the hall. The big hit with my kids was the chocolate & beetroot cake. Who knew you made cakes with beetroot! But I am a fan and will have to look for the recipe now. 

All in all it was  something different to do as a family and a great time. Even Hubster relaxed  and had a good time in the end.

Sunday started a bit on the slow side. I woke to find a plate with a tomato omelette on my bedside table. Turned out about 30 mins earlier Hubster bought it in and I said thanks...Good to know I use my manners even when sleeping =o)

A few odd jobs later we went for a drive around our home town, checking out the beaches. Found a concert was on at the foreshore along with some small craft stalls. so we dropped the boys off for a couple of hours and we went back and sat at another beach for a little while and talked.

It was so nice having that time alone. In all the years, the rushing around after the kids. countless hospital stays, keeping up  with the housework for me and work for him we had forgotten that we were friends BK(before kids). Just hanging out with each other was a novelty in itself. No mates, no entertaining the wives of mates, nor sharing hubbies time with the kids. Just sitting there enjoying the view and talking about things the way we used to and not feeling any of the frustrations of life. 

Today is the last day of the long weekend and so far its been hohum. garden is looking pretty good, inside is shining and I finally tracked down the god awful smell that kept annoying me in the kitchen! Windows in living room are all sparkley thanks to hubster's alarm going off at 5am, same with all the washing. Might go for another drive after lunch and  see if there is anything exciting to see. Although I am happy to just hang out at home and continue to enjoy a 3 day weekend with no drop ins or  hubby taking off to hang with his mates. I can almost guarantee this is one of those once in a blue moon quiet weekends.

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