Tuesday 29 March 2011

karmic justice

Living with a teen I feel is karmic justice for  putting our own parents through the wringer as we negotiated the hormonal roller coaster called puberty. Of course we thought we were completely justified for our outbursts... Our parents just didn't understand what we were going through after all! Its not like they understand how tragic our love life was, nor did they get that our lives would be truly ruined if we had to wear those trainers to school and of course my favourite, I was going to die from embarrassment if my dad speaks again in public!

Now I have 2 teens of my own, granted they are of the male species so technically I have it easier. While so far the youngest is still in the infancy age of demon in training the eldest is in full swing of his apprenticeship and I think about to graduate with flying colours with extra top marks for having such a dramatic life. I have come to realize 1 major truth with parenting. This parenting teens is hard bloomin work!

Not only do we have to research and keep up to date with the how to  parenting 101, we strive to be better than our own floundering parents were, or eat our own words (when I am a mum I will never do that with MY kids)!  We have to have the memory of an elephant and  pull up  incidences of our own youthful capers. Try to unravel the memory all twisted with time and look at it from a parents perspective. We have to think ahead and see the next problem before it happens(not unlike the toddler years) and fix it or  move the dangerous object away before it becomes an issue. To do this we use our own experiences to spot the hazard, which is where I am having trouble right now.

I never dated while in school, not because my folks wouldnt let me,  more because I was so incredibly shy and well the male of the species just annoyed me till was about 17(I was a late bloomer). I grew up with lots of boy cousins who took great pleasure in teasing me or being the butt of their practical jokes, but as I got older they were also very protective of me so any boy that did look my way was quickly "encouraged" to find a new interest. Growing up I seemed to  get along better with boys than girls. I didnt get the whole double meanings. I didn't feel I was pretty enough to hang out with the girls most of the time. Even  my girl cousins I felt out of my depth, they were so pretty, smart and seemed to be so worldly. In short I was the loner.

This is probably why I am floundering a bit with my kids with the whole girlfriend thing. You would think being a female I would have the inside track, but no when it comes to  the whole gf/ bf thing I am sadly lacking in  experience and wisdom.

My oldest, The Lad, is 15 and started dating a year ago. Who knew it would be as nerve racking for us the parents  as it is for the  kids? Its a constant worry even for the parent of a male. Putting aside the whole making sure they understand how important protected sex side of things, we have emotions to deal with. All happy and  easy to get along with when things are going smoothly. When the girl decides its break time we get the moody monster of mood swings. Even when they both decide  they  are better off as friends for now you get Jeckle and Hyde moving in for a time.

We cant protect their hearts forever and I dont want to ever become the  obsessively protective mother from hell. I encourage my kids to talk to me, no mater how embarrassing it may be to either of us. But I am finding  its not as easy to give advice when own teen experiences in this field are so sadly lacking. My first real boyfriend at 17, I married him at the tender age of 21. Its not like I have life experiences  in that arena to take from. I am winging it by the seat of my pants. Doing my best to think practically and use some common sense. I know I have and will make more mistakes, hopefully not enough to have my child die of embarrassment though 

Friday 25 March 2011

I Am One Hot Woman!

Yep I am one hot woman. How many of us ladies ever get to say that out loud and actually mean what they say? I can tell you up until the last year or so I never would of been able to say that with out sarcasm dripping from the statement. Last Night at 2am I woke up and though man I am hot, so darn hot I sizzle! This morning woke again and thought to myself I am so darn hot it hurts! Menopause during summer time is one of natures cruel twists and with mother nature going through her own menopause at the moment I think she has decided that her fellow aging beauties must  feel her pain also.

Man its hot here. Not even 8am and already I am sitting here melting away. We just experienced our hottest summer on record in the Aussie state of Western Australia. Now its Autumn, almost through March and its already been the hottest March on record for us. Yesterday the weather man said that we should be expecting these high temps through to at least mid April. Looks like the Poor Easter Bunny will get a taste of what  dear jolly Ol Santa has to deal with every year when dropping off the goodies to  all of the good little girls and boys.

Really I sometimes kick myself for complaining. Here I am whining and whinging cause I want it to rain here, yet our buddies on the east coast have been  through a hell of a summer. Actually I dont think summer reached them this year. Drought stricken states have had record rains, Flash flooding's to  cope with constantly  since well before Christmas and just this week, yet another lot of flash flooding and  more loss of life. On top of that they experienced one of the most powerful cyclones to ever hit mainland Aussie. If thats not enough they have a small earth quake just days after the Japanese Earthquake. Honestly whats next for them? 

Everyone here on the West coast  feels empathy and  compassion for our East coast family, But honestly, it is sometimes hard to  look at all that rain and water the news crew are showing us and not think, hey just a little bit of that wet stuff would be great here. Each time the weather man says the temp and a chance of a storm I actually laugh out loud. 

Things got exciting a couple of weeks ago, a massive storm front came through. suburb no more than a 10 min drive from us were getting rain. My Brother in laws house  was severely damaged  an hour away up in the hills and we were hearing reports on the radio that there were  flash flooding due to the amount of rain dropped. Hubster and I sat out side watching the storm clouds surrounding us. marveling at the  darkness of the clouds. We were anticipating  our first dancing in the rain for the entire summer. All that excitement and an hour later its all gone. where is this rain? I got exactly 3 drops on my head and that was it!!!! 

Come on Mother nature do you have to be this cruel? I am not asking much, as much as I would love a blizzard right now a couple of days rain and cooler weather is not a big ask is it! Think of your fellow aging beauty she is in need of respite and in all honesty the people in her world are not as forgiving when she erupts. She isnt given  the same level of empathy when she weeps. She sure as heck doesn't have  the people in her world  wonder about her in awe of her massive mood swings. 

So how bout you give a grumpy old gal a break and cool it just a smidge, cause this old broad is finding being a hot woman not all its cracked up to be.

Monday 21 March 2011

I am a hoarder

At the end of the year we will be moving down south to a small country town. I am really looking forward to the  sea change. when I think about anything to do with the move,  the house hunting,  moving into a new community and forging  a new lifestyle. It leaves me feeling an excitement I haven't felt in years. To be honest there are parts of me that are a little scared of the changes to come as well though.

We have lived in the same house  raising  2 kids for the past 14 years. My youngest has never known another house. We have lived close to family and while sometimes it was a blessing other times it felt a little claustrophobic having my privacy invaded on terms that weren't my own. The kids have known mostly the same friends since their first days in kindy. We live in a city but they went to a small school with less than 150 students, so were pretty insulated over their formative years. With the multiple hospital stays for the oldest lad we had to keep after school activities to a minimum. Moving on to High school was a challenge for the oldest, moving on to a school of 1000 plus students was  hard  to adjust to. Missing out on some times months of school in a year he struggled with the work load expected of him. Year 10 he hit his niche with the help of a few amazing teachers and finding a group of great friends. Now a girlfriend or 2 later he is really hitting his stride with his education and social skills.

We have known about this move for a year at least and each of us are preparing in our own ways. The kids have gone from  excitement to  dreading and back to excitement again. Hubby is so preoccupied with the stresses of moving a large company to another site and community.  Sorting out nervous staff issues, keep moral and productivity up for those that have decided to not move with and will be looking for new employment in the future has become a job in itself. While I have been introducing myself to the art of de-cluttering a life time.

I am  hoarder! I am the  daughter of a hoarder and the grand daughter of a hoarder. I keep everything for just in case I need it again in 20 years. Now last year I started going through cupboards and throwing things out, like baby clothes which were packed off to good sammys. Broken toys I had fond memories attached to were even given the boot. Boxes of files such as wedding preparation details and old bills from a decade ago were swallowed by the wheelie bin.

As I went on my confidence grew at what I tossed out the door. Still, My tiny house looked  over crowded. We will be buying a bigger house I will have to  fill spaces with old trinkets still after all. The start of this year I decided to become more ruthless with my  de-cluttering and filled  Mr wheelie bin several times.  Only stopping my toss out frenzy when the lid no longer shut on the green gobbling monster.

Today  the shelf at the top of my bed room wardrobe was my mission. Old Blankets folded and stored needed to be restored properly. Boxes of baby things nothing special, but Mr  wheelie was hungry. A box of vcr tapes... we dont even own a vcr any more. Burp goes Mr Wheelie, "that was tasty". Then came time to go through the jumpers(sweaters). I just scooped the lot of them off the shelf and onto the floor. coughing and sneezing at the dust that flew up I  started to go through the pile.  This is when I found I still had Jumpers from  as far back as the very early 90's. This wont do. Sweats and shawls that had been folded and pushed to the back for when I loose the baby weight obviously were never going to fit again, nor would I wear the big ol sweat shirt with the shoulder pads a grid iron player was surely looking for! 

3 large trash bags later Mr  wheelie is now full, but wait! what do I do with this old hat box. the one that has my wedding keepsakes. The clip on jewels that I wore on my shoes long since tossed. the horse shoe lucky charms I carried as I walked towards my  intended. The spare silk stockings I bought to wear if the first pair ran. Do I toss or dont I toss?

How ruthless do I want to be? It is just a small hat box after all. It doesn't take up much room, its not hurting anyone. I have a photo album full of picks that show the day for everyone to see, why do I need these  things?

I pick up the box and sit on my bed going through everything. A couple of the  horse shoe charms have lost their shape and  fraying. maybe it is time to throw it all out. They have sat there for close to 17 years and haven't  been really looked at. I pick up the pack of silk stockings the plastic cover as  started to get a little brittle and holes here and there, they will obviously never be worn. The shoe jewels the bling has started to tarnish and stain the silk white bows. I pick them up and feel over them. Putting them all back in the box except the 2 broken charms, I put the lid back on and slide it back on the shelf. 

One day I might get rid of them, but for today they still remind me of a time I was so in love. A time when I was still full of excitement but a little scared for the future and the new life we would be forging together. Then I think of our move down south coming, I smile and feel that familiar excitement for  our future. Yep the wedding keepsakes stay for now.

Wednesday 16 March 2011


Well today is St Patrick's Day. It is the day when the Irish churches and its people celebrate Saint Patrick. Who after escaping from being a slave in early 4th century in Ireland returned to his homeland Britain and went on to become a Bishop and returning to Ireland in 431 to Christianise the Irish. He used the shamrock to explain trinity to the Irish folk for over 20 years dying on march the 17th 461. 

Ok history lesson over. These days Paddy's day is more about celebrating the spirit and culture that is Ireland. Even if your not Irish you can become Irish for a day. Those of us with strong Irish roots celebrate our ancestry and show how proud we are of what our forefathers accomplished or like in my case use today as a chance to honor and remember a great person in our lives. 

Its a day where you can drink, sing and get into a little bit of harmless mischief without  looking out of place. Wait, thats every family do on my mothers side I went to as a kid. Maybe we just celebrated paddy's day a few extra times a year. My Poppa was certainly a character and loved nothing better than to celebrate a hard weeks work by spending the weekends with his large family drinking, singing and getting into a little bit of harmless mischief... Now that is dedication isn't it =oP

I have some fabulous memories of my early childhood. My earliest, clearest memory of my poppa was probably when I was about 4. Mum and Dad had made the decision to move back from up north and  get closer to the family again. I can clearly see in my minds eye My Poppa sitting in His chair with his big ashtray beside it and a big glass of beer resting on it. I remember feeling so special because he let me sit on his lap where he would pour his  beer leaving the biggest "ice cream" and I was allowed to have the "ice cream". I know, shock horror, anyone in this day and age doing that would be shot on site!  But frankly its my most precious memory I have  as  a child. I dont know why that memory sticks in my mind most of all or why its so special. maybe because essentially my Poppa was a hard working hard man with a bit of a temper, but to me he was  this funny man with the gravely voice cheeky smile who had a scratchy face and spoiled me rotten with his hugs and cuddles. I never saw him in a temper and I know I was probably the only one of his grandkids at the time that was that lucky. The fact was I was one of poppas Favorite's. Even back then I knew I was treated differently by him. But I didn't know why, I just loved him unconditionally. 

Weekends were often  spent either Saturday afternoons at Nan and poppas which invariably turned into late night  parties  with music the ol wood BBQ fired up summer times crabs cooking in the  old fashion washing machine. Us kids would be packed up  in the house blankets and pillows in the  lounge room each of us taking turns in sneaking to the back door to see what it was our parents were laughing so hysterically about then racing back before we got caught to inform our cousins and siblings what it was we had seen. 

We lived literally the next street back. I mean we just had to jump the fence and run through the bush adjacent and we were in Nan and Poppas backyard. Sundays it was quite normal to wake up  and run over to Nan and poppa's in our pj's where the  table would  have toast sitting in a rack on the table, Bacon sizzling away and of course poppa sitting in his big high chair reading his paper with a cigarette on the table. Mum and dad would turn up an hour or so later with clothes for myself and my sister D to get dressed and our baby sister B. Then the scones with jam and cream would come out. Some Sundays  it was just one or two of the Aunts and Uncles other times it was all 7, their spouses along with all their kids. I think that's why I love making scones so much for friends especially this time of the year, It reminds me of  big family gatherings.

I can still remember all the  conversations I had with Poppa. All the stories he would tell of his life.  As I got older  I never lost that fascination, listening to his stories and as I aged he would talk more and more about his time at war. I can remember him telling me of  the days and the days he spent  laying in wet cold mud explaining how eating rations for meals took sometimes hours because any movement would give their position away. Which was why he had the high chair because of  both hips having to be replaced. Maybe thats why  we were so close, someone was interested in hearing his stories.

One Sunday, I was 13 almost the entire family was there at poppas. Everyone was laughing enjoying  the Sunday as  we always did. Its only recently I have realized that was just through the eyes of a child and things were bubbling under the surface. Around Lunchtime all hell broke loose all Us kids were packed up and told "Poppa has to go to hospital and get a check up". Us three girls stayed at Mr Mac's, the old man over the road over night and the next morning he said  you dont have to go to school.

I can remember Mum and Dad coming in and sitting us down and telling us that Poppa was very sick and he had to go to heaven. It didn't seem real. I still expected Poppa to  be there to tell me stories and to let me sit by him share  his "ice cream". It took a while to understand even at 13 that he wasn't coming back.

So tonight in his honor and in memory for him and all he was and all he wasn't I will have a beer have a laugh and get into a little harmless mischief and celebrate my Irish heritage with pride.

Happy St Patrick's Day all ♥

Monday 14 March 2011

2 years ago

Well Today is an important day for me and while most days I wake up thinking how lucky I am to still be here, This last week I have found myself more and more melancholy, more introverted and a little angry.

2 years ago today I walked into the the hospital for a routine keyhole surgical procedure to remove some fairly large cysts from my ovaries. "30 min procedure and you will probably go home this afternoon" the surgeon had said the week before. Then he proceeded to warn me that there was a chance he could find something more sinister there so to be prepared that I may end up being there for a week or more. Something in his tone then  made me think ok this isnt  going to be good. Especially when he had gone from Let me see if I can book you in over the next month for surgery, glanced at my blood tests and said, just hold on I will see if I can get you in next week.

Today is the day  2 years ago I found out I had  6 massive tumors on my ovaries early stage ovarian cancer and a pre cancerous cervix. what was a 30 minute procedure, ended up a 7 hour massive operation. I lost almost 6 kilos that day. I lost any chance of ever having another baby. I lost my hormones. and I lost so much of my precious control. But I gained so much more, a second chance!

while I sit here writing, obviously I am grateful for that chance. Grateful that My sons didnt loose their mother while they were still growing up, that my husband didnt have to go through the grief of loosing his wife, I  am still trying to regain some of my balance, some of that control I so desperately cherish. Some days I feel I am getting there, one sure step at a time. Then some days I am just so angry at the world. I want to go back to being the positive happy and friendly person I was, But its like  I am this whole different person trying to fit into the body of someone else. Things I used to think were so important to me no longer matter. I used to want desperately to fit in with everyone, to belong and be wanted. Now I dont care so much what people think of me if I disagree with their thoughts & Yes I know this should be a good thing, but a life time of habits are hard to break. Everyone else seems to want me to go back to that person. Family and friends want that girl back that always saw the good in everyone. They want me to stop being so mad at the world and they want me to be there to support them all the time like I used to do no matter what the cost to me. While part of me wants that too, wants to put the rose coloured glasses back on, the other part of me is trying to  work through this hormonal imbalance the best I can. 

I find hurtful narrow minded comments harder to ignore these days. I no longer just shrug them off thinking oh well different idea are what make the world go around. Now I take it in and feel hurt and betrayed that people that supposedly love me can be so thoughtless to my feelings. Like my feelings dont matter because I am obviously too sensitive! If I say anything thats the comment I always have thrown back at me. Your too sensitive J you need to learn to not let them get to you... HELLO people!!!! I went through a life changing experience and had  family say well at least you  didnt have breast cancer, how is That me being too sensitive. How is that their insensitivity  isnt pulled up and bought out to be accounted for?

When I say I am not coping, I have thrown at me, at least your cured now. Like the way I am feeling is irrelevant. Well I am so sorry my body and mind are not coinciding with the standard grieving period. I will be sure to read the guidelines and rectify that immediately. when I say today is a sad day, please dont throw at me how someone has it so much worse.... Its not that I dont know this. I am not stupid nor insensitive to others and their problems, its that today I need that support and understanding. Tomorrow I will go back to worrying about the world and everyone in it, just let me have today to feel worried, scared or sad about me!

Thursday 10 March 2011

I Clean For A Living & I Am Proud Of It.

Yep thats what I do each Friday Morning. I get up, get my kids ready for school do a few cleaning jobs around the home, load my car up with all the tools of the trade and off I go to my first house with a big smile on my face.

No denying it. I love doing my job and I am proud to say I am pretty good at it. While my place could do with hiring me once a week as well, I love that feeling when I have finished cleaning  a clients place and knowing when they walk in that afternoon, they will be happy they paid  out the money. Theres a certain satisfaction in knowing you have given someone value for their dollar and I cant deny I get plenty of satisfaction, knowing I am contributing financially into the family home again.

I know all us women say we raise the kids, we keep the house, pay the bills and work a full time job as it is contributing plenty to the home and I am not disputing that. For me though after working 10 years full time pre kids and the fact that I earned as much as hubster at the time I found dropping  my wage for full time nappies and washing machines harder than I expected. 

My sisters made it look so easy.  To me I thought yep I run a department, deal with teen staff, ordering stock, finding out why said stock hasn't turned up and dealing with the headache of stock takes each week. One baby will be a breeze, Like having one big holiday! What the hell did I know Huh! But this is a whole other blog for a time when I dont have to get ready for work =o).

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Gosh, what a week

Well its Thursday already and this week seems to have passed me by without so much as a how do you do! I have started repainting the kitchen cupboards and shelves, so yey to me for getting something done this week. I am back at work tomorrow after 2 weeks off  recovering from a small procedure. I know I am going to feel that come lunch time, But it is worth it to see the  bank balance start to go up again.

Hubster got his work package proposal for our big move down to the country and I must say I am quite pleased with the offer they have put to us. It gives us a little breathing room financially to put this house up for sale and really decide on build or buy. We may get that family OS Holiday have always dreamed of yet! While I am still  peeved(understatement) at  the other manager at his work for  his gross negligence last Friday and putting not only Hubbies life in jeopardy but also countless others. I must say I was relieved to hear he wouldn't be relocating  down with us.  So once again just one more positive thing about our sea change which  helps put my mind at ease that we are doing the right thing.

While I have been for this move right from the beginning. Sometimes the kids fears of lost friendships have had me doubt my belief that  this was just the fresh start we need to help us to reshape our new stage of life... You know that stage where as a mum, you have to start to let go, have to pray you have given your kids the right tools  to make their own decisions in life. That stage where you rediscover your husband, You know that fun guy you fell in love with, who somewhere in the past decade or so has seemed to be absent without leave. Not to mention that stage where, you  find yourself  not being needed  so much  and you start to remember what it was like to do things for yourself again. That apart from a few wrinkles and the odd grey hair that is really just new shade of blonde, you find the young girl that once was full of energy, and vision for the future still has hopes and dreams yet to be realized and universe willing has plenty of time to fulfill them.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Labour Day weekend almost at an end. its been  a mixture of  odd jobs around the house, catching up on much needed sleep and traveling around the country side.  All in all a nice relaxing weekend.

Saturday arvo, after Hubster  spend the morning in bed sleeping off his concussion from the accident the day before at work we all  climbed on into the Hilux for the hour or so drive down to a small country town called Coolup. They were having a concert benefit to raise money for the people that lost their homes in the Fire in  Lake Clifton a little over a month ago. 

When we got there I must admit I thought  OK, this is going to be a quick afternoon. only a bouncy castle and bouncy water slide for the kids and not much else. But as they finished setting up and more people turned up not to mention the band that had been running late, the place started to have a real family  get together feel about it. The boys had a blast. checking out all the V8 classic cars on display cuddling the animals in the petting zoo and they spent quite a while scrambling up the  bouncy slide then screaming down in the bubbly slide. The smell though,,, Oh my lord! One little girl said the water smelled like smelly boots. My thoughts were it smelt like really really bad BO, but maybe mix the both together and  you can imagine the stench lol. The oldest was intrigued watching the  band setting up, the whole time wishing he could play one of his guitars up there. 

The good old CWA ladies had their tables full of delicious cakes, cookies and relishes to choose from in the hall. The big hit with my kids was the chocolate & beetroot cake. Who knew you made cakes with beetroot! But I am a fan and will have to look for the recipe now. 

All in all it was  something different to do as a family and a great time. Even Hubster relaxed  and had a good time in the end.

Sunday started a bit on the slow side. I woke to find a plate with a tomato omelette on my bedside table. Turned out about 30 mins earlier Hubster bought it in and I said thanks...Good to know I use my manners even when sleeping =o)

A few odd jobs later we went for a drive around our home town, checking out the beaches. Found a concert was on at the foreshore along with some small craft stalls. so we dropped the boys off for a couple of hours and we went back and sat at another beach for a little while and talked.

It was so nice having that time alone. In all the years, the rushing around after the kids. countless hospital stays, keeping up  with the housework for me and work for him we had forgotten that we were friends BK(before kids). Just hanging out with each other was a novelty in itself. No mates, no entertaining the wives of mates, nor sharing hubbies time with the kids. Just sitting there enjoying the view and talking about things the way we used to and not feeling any of the frustrations of life. 

Today is the last day of the long weekend and so far its been hohum. garden is looking pretty good, inside is shining and I finally tracked down the god awful smell that kept annoying me in the kitchen! Windows in living room are all sparkley thanks to hubster's alarm going off at 5am, same with all the washing. Might go for another drive after lunch and  see if there is anything exciting to see. Although I am happy to just hang out at home and continue to enjoy a 3 day weekend with no drop ins or  hubby taking off to hang with his mates. I can almost guarantee this is one of those once in a blue moon quiet weekends.

Friday 4 March 2011

my sun flowers

I love sunflowers they make me happy just seeing their big yellow faces soaking up the sun. This year not many came up, but the ones that did were just brilliant. I captured some  lovely pictures.

Great start to the long weekend

Well Who knew I would be getting a chance to try out  my blog again so soon!

Hubby came home  from a hectic day before the Labour Day long weekend.  I am far from impressed this morning he had an accident at work and sustained a head injury. He carried on working  even though he was suffering a massive head ache, nausea not to mention super sleepy. And then drove home! seriously  do I have to say it... MEN!
he has put himself off to bed which  speaks volumes to me. The thing is  with a son that suffers from serious  pressure on the brain issues you would think he would be a bit more careful about this wouldnt you??? We know only too well just how quickly things can go wrong with  bleeds in the brain or pressure on the brain yet  didnt let me know till he got home.  tomorrow when headache is gone he is soo  in trouble.

Because he is boss he pulled rank  when they wanted to take him to the hospital but I still cant believe  no one thought to ring me to  pull rank yet again.

I'll say it again...MEN!!!

Thursday 3 March 2011

The First

Wow the first Blog. well I guess I should say a little about myself to start off. Ok I am a smidge under 40... just a smidge! love meeting new people in my search for kindred spirits. I have an opinion on almost everything and not afraid to  share it ( I am a female after all).
I am mostly a positive thinker and generally  like to get along with everyone. Over the years I have found some people just don't gel. doesnt make them bad people just makes them oil to my water.
I dont like when people are liars, cheaters or people that are disrespectful to either them self or to others.

Other than that I have an odd sense of humour. I am a little bit quirky, with a mixture of old fashioned and young at heart. I have been honoured to be in the small list of ovarian cancer survivors, learning to deal with the indignity of menopause in my 30's whilst keeping my head above water in a male infested house and all the time keeping a sense of humour=o)

When it comes to entertainment in movies I absolutely love my sci-fis. Only type  of romance I prefer are actions! 
T.V. I just love all things Stargate, start trek or NCIS. 
With Music,  I guess you could say I am eclectic in my loves. You will find  anything from Michael Bubble', to Josh Turner , Jack Johnson and Pink in my faves playlist.

Tried Blogging in the past and  never really found my style, so plan on keeping it Light, fresh and full of my never ending opinions. Mostly it will be full of laughs about the nutty goings on around this place filled with testosterone and Rampant teen hormones. Here I can celebrate life in all its glory, humour and embarrassments  =o)