Wednesday 9 March 2011

Gosh, what a week

Well its Thursday already and this week seems to have passed me by without so much as a how do you do! I have started repainting the kitchen cupboards and shelves, so yey to me for getting something done this week. I am back at work tomorrow after 2 weeks off  recovering from a small procedure. I know I am going to feel that come lunch time, But it is worth it to see the  bank balance start to go up again.

Hubster got his work package proposal for our big move down to the country and I must say I am quite pleased with the offer they have put to us. It gives us a little breathing room financially to put this house up for sale and really decide on build or buy. We may get that family OS Holiday have always dreamed of yet! While I am still  peeved(understatement) at  the other manager at his work for  his gross negligence last Friday and putting not only Hubbies life in jeopardy but also countless others. I must say I was relieved to hear he wouldn't be relocating  down with us.  So once again just one more positive thing about our sea change which  helps put my mind at ease that we are doing the right thing.

While I have been for this move right from the beginning. Sometimes the kids fears of lost friendships have had me doubt my belief that  this was just the fresh start we need to help us to reshape our new stage of life... You know that stage where as a mum, you have to start to let go, have to pray you have given your kids the right tools  to make their own decisions in life. That stage where you rediscover your husband, You know that fun guy you fell in love with, who somewhere in the past decade or so has seemed to be absent without leave. Not to mention that stage where, you  find yourself  not being needed  so much  and you start to remember what it was like to do things for yourself again. That apart from a few wrinkles and the odd grey hair that is really just new shade of blonde, you find the young girl that once was full of energy, and vision for the future still has hopes and dreams yet to be realized and universe willing has plenty of time to fulfill them.

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